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Promoting Research and Development for Whole Brain Emulation

At the Carboncopies Foundation, we believe that the possibilities and opportunities enabled by Whole Brain Emulation (WBE) represent the most promising technological path to overcoming our fundamental limitations as a species. 

To achieve WBE, essential advances are needed in neurobiology, neurophysiology, brain imaging, micro- and nanoscale technologies, computational neuroscience, computing hardware, and even the philosophy of mind. We provide peer networks and project opportunities to scientists working on challenges critical to whole brain emulation and recognize that there is a long road ahead of us.

To promote and accelerate WBE, our foundation:

  • Encourages scientific collaboration to create stepping-stone technologies.
  • Publishes reviews of scientific literature and technology developments.
  • Maintains R&D roadmaps to identify and address scientific and engineering challenges.
  • Increases general awareness of the human adaptability gap and the possibility that neural prosthesis, WBE, and substrate-independent minds may offer solutions.
  • Hosting conferences and workshops, and provides informational material.

If you share our vision and want to get involved, then we encourage you to join our volunteer team!

Join WBE neuroscience research, as we develop the Whole-Brain Emulation Challenge - visit ongoing R&D at braingenix.org

See our past monthly newsletter issues in the archive, and click here to stay informed

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Challenges for Brain Emulation: Why is Building a Brain so Difficult?
Toward tractable AGI: Challenges for System Identification in Neural Circuitry