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How Could Whole Brain Emulation Affect Us?

Imagine this: you’re truly free, unbound from the restrictions of the past. This world can become anything you want it to be. You can change the environment instantly, obtain a multitude of skills, and witness countless decades of existence. You could even fly through space if you’d like. Whole brain emulation (WBE) offers many possibilities, including transcendence from the physical world and the transformation of the human condition. It could affect us in different ways, ranging from the impacts of technological advancement to a potential shift in motivations and desires for survival.

Technological singularity is a concept proposed by Vernor Vinge that describes an acceleration of progress in technology culminating in the emergence of “greater-than-human intelligence” (1). The accomplishment of whole brain emulation would mark a drastic and innovative achievement which would likely coincide with other advancements, such as the development of conscious artificial intelligence. In this scenario, predictive algorithms and neural networks would be greatly improved. They might be utilized more often in society, incorporated into our everyday lives. In some ways, technology might become more human, just as humans might become further integrated into technology. If beings with artificial intelligence were designed to recognize emotions, they would not be the cruel, nightmarish robots seen in science fiction movies; with the emulation of the right neural functions, robots could become fully empathetic. In this sense, robots would pose the same threat that human nature poses, as they would possess the same cognitive abilities. There could be virtually no difference between a robot that distinguishes objects based on prediction and a human that interprets the world based on predictive coding. The emergence of artificial superintelligence would likely be met by equally augmented humans, or emulations possessing heightened abilities.

The main objective of whole brain emulation is to transcend fundamental limitations. Consequently, WBE could affect humanity by allowing for the unprecedented crossing of boundaries. We could improve the reliability and speed of cognition, lengthen our attention spans, and overcome the burden of fatigue. We would no longer need to heal from physical injuries. In the absence of a biological body, there would be no risk of developing an infectious virus or an illness such as cancer. An emulated individual could achieve immortality through backup copies (2). Because of the possibility of prolonged life, a cultural knowledge of art, history, and language could be preserved for future generations. Additionally, a dangerous feat such as space travel could be accomplished if an emulation served as the pilot through a remote connection or machine body.

Whole brain emulation could further the field of neuroscience by improving an understanding of the brain. With a multitude of connectomes and functional emulations, neuroscientists would have new tools to witness or simulate neural firings. As a connectome aims to capture the entirety of an individual’s synaptic connections, the resulting data would be superior to images produced by neuroimaging technologies widely used in the present day. There are many ways of obtaining this data in-vivo rather than through destructive methods (3), (4). In addition to broadening neuroscientific knowledge, WBE and its related technologies could be used for therapeutic applications, leading to many clinical benefits. Researchers are currently using connectomics data to study anxiety and depression (5), biomarkers of illness (6), Alzheimer’s disease (7), and numerous other conditions. Upon the advent of WBE, it would not only be possible to study brain diseases in more detail, but accurate and effective treatments could be developed. After observing the origin or mechanisms of dysfunction, scientists could potentially find new ways to modulate brain regions. In emulations, neurons could be directly altered, allowing for individualized treatments. People at risk of Alzheimer’s disease or other neurodegenerative illnesses could choose to have their brains emulated before the onset of dementia.

Despite these prospective benefits, WBE also opens up the possibility of negative consequences. Malware and ransomware could become more dangerous than ever by tampering with the neural substrates of emulations. Computer viruses and software bugs could replace biological viruses and bacteria. When thoughts, emotions, and memories are converted into code, this leaves such sensitive data vulnerable to hacking or corruption. In the absence of workers’ rights for emulated beings, corporations could take advantage of the ability to work for long hours without physical limitations. Hypothetically, emulations could be manually “reprogrammed”, which presents ethical dilemmas. In the case that an individual consents to a treatment for an illness, this could be useful, but what if the neural connections are altered without an emulation’s knowledge and for a malevolent purpose? The potential exists for diminishing agency over one’s consciousness and autonomy. To remedy these issues, precautions could be taken such as the installation of antivirus programs. Emulations could be granted protections over individual autonomy just as humans in many countries are granted rights by law. Additionally, it would be possible to create backup copies in the case of irreparable damage.

It is unknown what effects prolonged life might have on individuals. In the case they grow tired of existence, there may or may not be an “off” button that would delete emulation data. On the other hand, WBE could serve to alleviate death anxiety by providing an indefinite lifespan on a substrate immune to physiological decay7. Certainly, threats such as malware would still pose risks to survival without sufficient backup, but an emulation would not need to worry about inevitable demise. The fear of death, born of an evolutionary drive for survival, has led to an age-long desire for eternal life; whole brain emulation offers the alluring promise of near-immortality. In this, it is similar to the conception of an afterlife, and may appeal to those who wish to ease their existential dread (8).

Emulations could experience reality in different ways, depending on whether they are based on digital or physical substrates. In order to become functioning individuals, they must be able to interact with the world (9). They must also have access to sensory input, which could come from various sources. To be an isolated “brain in a vat” without sufficient stimuli would be an exceedingly frustrating experience; consequently, an emulation would likely be connected to either a virtual avatar or a robotic body. Emulations with virtual avatars would be immersed in digital environments. In these environments, pressure and heat maps could translate back to action potentials, allowing emulations to experience touch. Similarly, virtual bodies would accept motor nerve signals and convert them into movement. Research on the use of virtual reality avatars shows that the sense of body ownership can be transferred, supporting the notion that emulations can be embodied (10). They would be able to feel the proprioceptive sensations of avatars. This would be mediated by neuroplasticity, the capacity of the brain to adapt and shape itself. Emulated neural function would retain the malleability of biological brains, as plasticity is the foundational principle of neural networks and neuromorphic devices that learn based on association. Those in robotic bodies would live in the world that we currently know, and could access sensory input through neuroprosthetic feedback. There are devices already in existence that facilitate tactile (11), visual (12), and auditory input (13).

The introduction of emulations to the wider social landscape could have varying outcomes, the best of which would be harmonious interaction between biological and emulated humans (16). There could also be backlash from anti-technology groups afraid of progress toward the future. The human instinct for advancement is similarly contradicted by the human fear of change. Technological developments have long been met with reluctance; once whole brain emulation is achieved, there could certainly be opposition. There is a current hesitance among some individuals to accept the technology of whole brain emulation, as they doubt its feasibility (17), (18), (19).

Emulated beings might experience shifts in goals and drives for survival. Initially, emulations would retain all of the motivations, biases, fears, and desires of humans. It would first be necessary to replicate human behavior and function before making changes. However, after the success of WBE is ensured, emulations might find themselves possessing brains unadapted for digital or computational substrates. They would no longer need to consume food in order to survive, and could be exposed to many situations previously deemed dangerous. As a consequence, they might evolve to adopt new motivations and biases, either through deliberate modification or automatic learning. Emulations would most likely focus on avoiding the deletion or corruption of data to ensure survival.

Whole brain emulation could have a diverse range of effects once it is achieved. Artificial intelligence might become more advanced and possibly more human-like; we might be able to transcend physical boundaries in a way never seen before; the field of neuroscience could be entirely transformed. Emulations could face survival risks (albeit different than those we currently face), but also might live for a prolonged period of time. The technology could shape future societies, providing risks and benefits for biological individuals as well as those who choose to become emulated.


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