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Updating the Roadmap to Whole Brain Emulation

Part 3: Consciousness

The entire workshop is available on our YouTube Channel.

The workshop included audience participation. Many thanks to all who RSVPed!

We are continuing our workshop event series in updating the 2008 Oxford University manuscript, "Whole Brain Emulation: A Roadmap." In our previous event, "Updating the Roadmap to Whole Brain Emulation Part 2: Where We Go From Here," we had a great discussion on the current challenges facing the development of WBE. In the discussion, the issue of defining consciousness was presented as a major component.

For this upcoming Fall Event, we will be discussing the definition of consciousness, how to measure it, where does consciousness reside in the human brain, and how can an emulated brain generate consciousness. Important questions will be covered in guest interviews which will be presented as recorded videos. Following the interviews we will have our live panel discussion responding to the interviews and additional questions prepared for the panel.

Understanding consciousness and its emergence in an artificial brain it is an important aspect for developing a complete emulation of the human brain. With a clear understanding of the neural correlates of consciousness, the Oxford Roadmap to Whole Brain Emulation can be given a new key component. This live workshop event will be held Saturday, December 14, 2019 8AM PST / 11AM EST / 4PM GMT presented on the Carboncopies Foundation YouTube Channel.