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Making an impact with the Carboncopies Foundation

The following lists an excerpt of our activities over the years, demonstrating some of the different ways in which the Carboncopies Foundation strives to make a positive impact on the development of whole brain emulation and on its outcomes.

The Brain Emulation Challenge

An ongoing project of Carboncopies Research, our Bain Emulation Challenge is taking on the principal hurdle standing in the way of actual end-to-end examples of brain emulation: The translation from brain data to working dynamic systems that are verifiably correct.

Research projects at the CCF

An overview of currently active research projects at the Carboncopies Foundation, giving insight into the way the Foundation chooses its targets for direct research involvement by identifying key gaps in need of being addressed or incentivized.

Research at the Carboncopies Foundation

And participation in cutting edge science:

Our goals and what we do

Our About page strives to explain our effort to ensure beneficial outcomes and a positive impact on the world, as well as our methods, such as when it becomes clear that direct Carboncopies activities in research are appropriate and necessary.

Goals and what we do

Educating about whole brain emulation

A mini-course on whole brain emulation.

Various talks given at institutions and events, such as:

And foundational publications:

Collecting expert insights

Our events gather experts in domains critical for whole brain emulation. For example: