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xkcd Comics

Comics for Curious People has been home to hilarious comics for years and is a hub for all things Randall Monroe. After obtaining a degree in physics, and working on robots for NASA, Randall has made quite a career for himself by writing books to entertain the scientifically inclined.

He has published a few popular books. This author even owns his quirky boredom-killer "what if?"

Monroe's talents don't end with writing. He is also a pretty good comic artist. Here's an example of his work:


This comic makes the observation that so many of us today rely on Wikipedia, Google, and other information systems for daily tasks, essentially making them a layer of our cognition. Our extended minds may have limits when we reach a "404 Not Found" error.

When you're this funny and smart, it just makes sense to keep playing the hits. has strip after hilarious strip. It's not just comical, however; these doodles will make you think. From engineering to everyday observations, this series has inspired books and other great content for your enjoyment.


This comic brings to light a fun fact about neuroscience. If you weren't aware of the dual control (disputed) area on the right/upper half of the body, consider yourself informed! These strips are as funny as they are useful.

At the Carboncopies Foundation we strive to bring scientists and programmers together to advance the field of Computational Neuroscience. Sometimes it's fun to take time off and relax. is a great place to find humor whose main audience are academics and science minded.

Take a look for yourself! There are hundreds of hilarous comic strips to discover.

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